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5784 Membership Renewal Form (2023-24)

2023 - 2024 Membership Renewal

Thank you for choosing to be a member of Kahal B'raira, Congregation for Humanistic Judaism. Members are our most important resource.

Any member of your household age 13 or older is eligible to be a voting member.


Committees are at the foundation of Kahal B'raira. Working in committees, members ensure the financial health of KB; allow holidays and life cycle events to be celebrated; invite, recruit, and support membership, and much more. Serving on a committee can be rewarding and provide an opportunity to get to know other members and form friendships.

Committee members may take on a small task or a larger role depending on the needs of the committee and the desire and availability of the committee member. There are tasks to fit everyone. Each committee has a Chair responsible for organizing and supporting the committee members.

Please sign up for one Holiday Committee and one Working Committee for the 2023-24 KB year. You'll have an opportunity to change committees, if you wish, the following year. You are welcome to join more committees and some members do; if you check more than 1 box per category you are indicating you are joining those committees and not indicating a first or second choice.

Voting members below the age of twenty-one who are enrolled full-time in school are not asked to serve on committees, but are welcome to do so.

You can read about each committee here:

If you have questions about what a committee does or you would like to explore prior to signing up, please contact Lidia at

Photography Release

I hereby authorize and give consent to Kahal B’raira to use photographs in which my household members appear while participating in Kahal B’raira and KB’s Sunday school and youth programs. Possible uses for photos include the bulletin, website, and promotional materials such as a brochure. Neither children nor adults will be identified by name in photo captions.

Kahal B'raira is a 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law which generally includes membership but not tuition.

Kahal B'raira values inclusivity for all community members, regardless of means. If you need a reduced dues fee, please make a request by contacting our treasurer, Lee Feigenbaum, at and CCing our managing director, Lidia Pruente. at All requests are kept in complete confidence.

2023-24 Membership Dues
Household Membership (2+ adults; may include children): $1,819
Individual Membership (1 Adult; may include children): $1,069
35 & Under (1+ adults age 35 and under; may include children): $297

Early bird rates (before Oct. 1) are:
Household: $1,779
Individual: $1,040
Under 35: $287
Setting Up E-checks

If this is your first time paying by e-check, you first need to add e-checks as a transaction method on your account.

Please follow these instructions to set up e-checks:
Sat, 18 January 2025